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10 reasons to list your property during the summer

Summer is a unique season and one that we especially look forward to every year. The weather is beautiful, the sun is out, and vacations are aplenty. With its laid-back and easygoing nature, it is a hard moment in time not to love. But we were curious, is this relaxed season a good time to be selling your house?

Here below 10 reasons to list your property during the summer:

  1. Buyers who look at properties during the summer are very serious.

  2. Serious buyers have less choice during this period, so you have less competition, and less competition means more money for you.

    real estate negotiation

  3. The inventory of properties for sale will increase enormously in September. If the inventory increases, there will be less demand for your particular home, less demand usually means less money for you.

  4. During the summer, houses are more beautiful because they are landscaped, trees in bloom, plants and shrubs and more.

    10 Reasons to list your property during the Summer

  5. Transferred employees are generally expected to be on duty in September. If you are registered, this is a deal you will benefit from.

  6. By selling now, you will have the opportunity to wait for your property and your price. Sell higher and buy cheaper in the fall.

  1. You benefit from the opportunity to show your property in the evening and in full view. People can better appreciate the natural lighting and the layout of your rooms.

  2. Almost as many properties sell in July/August as they do in January/February, which are the 2 best months of the year. 14% of annual sales take place in these two months.

  3. You have access to professional brokers who are active 12 months of the year and have access to a better quality of buyers.

  4. Buyers are more relaxed when shopping in the summer.